Subcribe As a Monthly Member

Become a monthly subscriber of TMC Paralegal Services and receive special offers, discounts and more! This will only be for monthly subscribers only!

$30 Monthly Fee. You can cancel at anytime! 

Can be used for family members as well!

subscriber details

*Monthly Fee of $30.00

*Instead of regular hourly rate you only pay $30.00 hourly rate.

*Unlimited times you can use our services.

*Free Consultation each month (if another is needed in a month it is $50.00 instead of $150.00)

*You will receive access to discounts and specials only for subscribers!

*Family member will get the same rates but will NOT receive any other discounts or specials. Only 1 family member every 3 months can use your subscription. 

How to become a subscriber

Complete the form below and provide the following information. Please make sure all information is provided. You will be sent an invoice after we receive your information. Once your first month is paid you can start using your subscription! That simple!

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